Benefits of KOMNET Membership
1) THE BLESSING – KOMNET positions you to fully experience, as well as walk in the supernatural Blessing that Kingdom Unity offers —Psalm 133:1-3
2) FELLOWSHIP – KOMNET offers the opportunity for regular fellowship with other men and women of God. This on its own brings fulfilment to a minister because it helps to keep one within the Lord’s instruction that we should not forsake the assembling of ourselves together (1 John 1:7; Hebrews 10:25).
3) NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES – Networking opportunities are also opened to individual members within and outside the shores of their nations according to Galatians 2:9. You fulfil your ministry, as you becomeaWitness of His resurrection in other cities, states, and nations. This is a partial fulfilment of every minister’s walk with the Lord. It is a platform of connecting with other ministers of God for the purpose of personal development in the course of fulfilling our divine mandate.
4) BENEFIT FROM OTHER GRACE AND GIFTS – It is a platform that enables you to partake of the divers grace and gifts amongst members— Philippians 1:7
5) DISCOVER AND SHARPEN YOUR MINISTRY EDGE – Sharpens your Apostolic Gift— Proverbs 27:17
6) ANNUAL CAMPMEETING – As a member, you will be able to travel to other nations to attend and sometimes speak in our annual camp meetings, conferences, seminars, and specialised workshops.ENDORSEMENT – The right hands of fellowship are offered to members for endorsements, encouragement, inspiration, and correction where the need arises, (Genesis 41:9,14), identifying with active members in times of challenges.