KOMNET membership is based on invitation or recommendation of a credible and active member minister of God that knows the intending member(s)
(1) There is one God that manifests in Trinity - Deuteronomy 6:4 Matthew 16:17, (2) Jesus Christ is the Son of God - Mathew 1: 18-25
This is the highest decision making body in the state level. It shall consist of the following elected state chapter officers:
Our Aims and Objectives
KOMNET brings together all those committed to the furtherance of the gospel, and especially those who have received a call to serve in any of the five-fold ministries as enumerated in Ephesians 4:11, as well as the marketplace Apostles. KOMNET members believe, experience, practice and cherish the full gospel message. They are also committed to apostolic networking as a scriptural strategy for strengthening one another and the entire body of Christ
KOMNET’s sole purpose is apostolic connection, networking, and cooperation for the common good and advancement of the individual ministers and their ministries.
Get inspired by reading amazing testimonials about KOMNET from some of our members
Facebook: Koinonia Ministerial Network
by Ayetoro(From Lagos-5mins drive after Redemption Camp), Nigeria